

拉丁 is alive 和 well in the many English words that have 拉丁 roots 和 as the matriarch of the modern Romance langu年龄s—意大利, 法国, 西班牙语, 葡萄牙语, 和罗马尼亚. It lives on in the influence it exerted on countless later writers 和 thinkers 和, 当然, 现代读者仍然觉得相关的拉丁作品.


Among the most familiar names in 拉丁 literature are those from its apex in the first century BCE 和 first century CE. 比如西塞罗, 凯撒, 卡图鲁, 维吉尔, 贺拉斯, 李维, 奥维德, 塔西佗精通史诗的体裁, 歌词, 还有挽歌, 讽刺, 演讲, 和史学.

我们提供各级拉丁语课程, with those at the intermediate 和 advanced levels focusing on many of the authors mentioned above. You will also find a wide array 当然s (in English) approaching the culture 和历史 of Roman antiquity from a variety of perspectives.

While the study of 拉丁 is a foundation stone of the discipline of 经典, the 拉丁 major or minor is also excellent preparation for advanced study in English, 宗教, 哲学, 和历史. There are also many opportunities for teaching 拉丁 at the middle 和 high school levels



Rachel Mullervy MHC ' 11, ' 19教师





  • 批判性地分析古希腊和罗马文本, 在他们的原始语言和翻译, 在他们的文学作品中, 哲学, 以及历史背景.

  • To underst和 major monuments 和 artifacts within their historical 和 cultural settings; to develop a visual literacy of ancient art 和 sharpen the ability to see 和 express what one sees.

  • To imagine fully 和 creatively ancient cultural communities when relying on limited written 和 material remains.

  • To deepen the underst和ing of current problems by studying the responses of ancient 希腊s 和 Romans to questions about the human condition, 包括, 如何好好生活, 以及如何治理. 

  • 更自信、更有效地写作和说话, 和 to develop well-reasoned arguments using primary evidence 和/or secondary material, 包括印刷和数字资源.

  • To exp和 intellectual breadth through studying the ancient 希腊 和 Roman worlds through different disciplines 和 modes of inquiry.



At least 12 credits at the 300 level in the langu年龄 of concentration12
20 additional credits in approved courses at the 200 or 300 level. These may be courses in 拉丁 or 希腊 和/or a variety 当然s in art 历史, 经典(英文), 历史, 哲学, 政治或宗教. 120

These courses should be selected after consulting with the student's advisor.






秋天. 学分:4

Offers study 和 practice in the grammar 和 syntax of classical 拉丁.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德,C. 贝克
Restrictions: This course is limited to first-years, sophomores, 和 juniors


春天. 学分:4

Offers study 和 practice in the grammar 和 syntax of classical 拉丁.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
C. 贝克
Prereq: 拉丁语- 101.
建议:尚未完成学业的学生 拉丁语- 101 应该咨询相关部门.


秋天. 学分:4

Combines a thorough review of 拉丁 grammar 和 syntax with an introduction to the life 和 literature of ancient Rome, based on the reading of selected pass年龄s of Roman prose 和 poetry.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
C. 贝克
Prereq: 拉丁语- 102.


今年没有计划. 学分:4

The career of the Roman orator 和 statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero spanned the last generation of the Roman Republic, 一段政治动荡和内战的时期. 作为当时最杰出的演说家, Cicero often used his rhetorical skills to thwart those who he believed were bent on the destruction of the Roman Republic. 在本课程中, we will examine the role of public 演讲 in the political process in this period with a close reading of Cicero's speeches 和 letters concerning one of his political enemies (Catiline, Clodius, 或马克·安东尼).

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
G. 烟灰墨
Prereq: 拉丁语- 201.

拉丁语- 209维吉尔: 埃涅阿斯记

今年没有计划. 学分:4

A study of the 埃涅阿斯记 with attention both to its presentation of the classic conflict between 希腊 和 Roman value systems 和 to its controversial portrayal of empire in the Augustan 年龄.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
Prereq: 拉丁语- 201.

LATIN-213 Myth, Memory, 和 History: Writing the Past in the Roman Republic

春天. 学分:4

李维和萨罗斯特, 罗马共和国最著名的历史学家, 将历史写作视为一项道德事业, presenting events from the past as exemplary tales to inform 和 enlighten the lives of their readers. 因此,他们的叙述是高度修辞的, 结合神话, 内存, 用历史来重建过去. 仔细阅读李维的选集 Ab城市条件 和/或Sallust的专著——the 小独木船Catilinae小独木船Jugurthinum--will lead to discussions about how Romans viewed their past 和 how they wrote about it.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
Prereq: 拉丁语- 201.


秋天和春天. 学分:1 - 4



今年没有计划. 学分:4

The career of the Roman orator 和 statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero spanned the last generation of the Roman Republic, 一段政治动荡和内战的时期. 作为当时最杰出的演说家, Cicero often used his rhetorical skills to thwart those who he believed were bent on the destruction of the Roman Republic. 在本课程中, we will examine the role of public 演讲 in the political process in this period with a close reading of Cicero's speeches 和 letters concerning one of his political enemies (Catiline, Clodius, 或马克·安东尼).

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
G. 烟灰墨
Prereq: Two courses in 拉丁 at the 200-level or any 300-level 拉丁 course.


秋天. 学分:4

A study of the highly romantic poetry that launched a revolution in 拉丁 literature, 包括 such works as 卡图鲁's epyllion on Peleus 和 Thetis 和 维吉尔's 牧歌田园诗, with attention to the new underst和ing of poetry shown in these poems 和 to their commentary on the social turmoil of the last phase of the Republic.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
预修课程:以上任何一门拉丁语课程 拉丁语- 201.

拉丁语- 309维吉尔: 埃涅阿斯记

今年没有计划. 学分:4

A study of the 埃涅阿斯记 with attention both to its presentation of the classic conflict between 希腊 和 Roman value systems 和 to its controversial portrayal of empire in the Augustan 年龄.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
Prereq: Two courses in 拉丁 at the 200-level or any 300-level 拉丁 course.

拉丁语- 310奥维德: 变形记

今年没有计划. 学分:4

A study of 奥维德's ambitious epic celebrating change 和 transformative forces, with attention to the challenges it poses to traditional Roman values 和 to conventional Roman notions of the work appropriate to a poet. 特别是, consideration will be given to the way 奥维德's poem subversively responds to 维吉尔's work.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
Prereq: Two courses in 拉丁 at the 200-level or any 300-level 拉丁 course.

LATIN-313 Myth, Memory, 和 History: Writing the Past in the Roman Republic

春天. 学分:4

李维和萨罗斯特, 罗马共和国最著名的历史学家, 将历史写作视为一项道德事业, presenting events from the past as exemplary tales to inform 和 enlighten the lives of their readers. 因此,他们的叙述是高度修辞的, 结合神话, 内存, 用历史来重建过去. 仔细阅读李维的选集 Ab城市条件 和/或Sallust的专著——the 小独木船Catilinae小独木船Jugurthinum--will lead to discussions about how Romans viewed their past 和 how they wrote about it.

Applies to requirement(s): Humanities; Langu年龄
B. 阿诺德
Prereq: Two courses in 拉丁 at the 200-level or any 300-level 拉丁 course.


秋天和春天. 学分:1 - 8



The 古典文学和意大利语系 oversees programs in ancient studies, 经典, 意大利, 希腊语和拉丁语.

  • 学术部门协调员


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Mount Holyoke seeks intellectually curious applicants who underst和 the value of a liberal arts education 和 are driven by a love of learning. 作为一所性别多元化的女子学院, 我们欢迎女性申请, 跨性别和非双性恋学生.