

Mount Holyoke seeks intellectually curious applicants who are driven by a love of learning and understand the role of education in preparing students to respond to the needs and challenges of a global society. 作为一所性别多元化的女子学院, 我们欢迎女性申请研究生课程, 男性, 跨性别和非二元学生. 阅读更多关于 谁在2024欧洲杯买球大学读研究生.


对学位课程或学分课程感兴趣的申请人必须完成一份 在线申请. Our professional and graduate institutes also offer intensive noncredit course options; for these courses there is not a formal application process, 而是学生填写一张 注册表单. 了解其中的区别 在学分课程和非学分课程之间.

让招生委员会审查你的申请, 申请学位课程的学生必须提交:

  • 你的 在线申请
  • 申请费
  • 本科成绩单的正式复印件
  • 其他所需材料


  • 个人陈述.
  • 两个建议.
  • 履历或简历.


Students seeking admission into one of our graduate programs will need to provide at least two recommendations from people who will be able to reflect on their ability to be successful in graduate school and be an active contributor to our learning community. 当要求一封推荐信时, 请确保它包括:他们认识你多久了, 他们以何种身份与你共事, 以及他们对你学业能力的评估, 沟通技巧, 动机, 创造力, 和完整性, 以及其他与你申请的项目相关的品质.